5 healthy habits to establish food and bring yourself into a form

Monitor, control, cut and refuse – verbs accompanying almost all diets and programs for weight loss. But such a tough approach is perceived by our body as a declaration of war, and not an attempt to come to a compromise. And so we give up again, without taking a step towards positive changes. But immediately declared the absence of willpower and the complete failure of all plans. How to avoid another disappointment?

The main thing is to start with a small

Lack of time, effort, a clear understanding of the processes taking place in the body, the availability of fast food and refined sugar, general fatigue and lack of vitamins – all this leads to breakdowns and consumption of unnecessary products that give nothing good except for extra calories and guilt feelings. Therefore, first you need to draw up a power plan for the next two days.

Why for two, not one or for a whole week? Firstly, cooking in large volumes is easier, since packages of products are designed for several servings. Secondly, if you have a ready-made set of food, the next day you will not have to look for anything, which means you will remain true to your plan. Well, thirdly: there is one and the same thing every day for a week is very boring, so you will definitely want to diversify the diet by unaccounted yummy.

Carbohydrates are an obligatory part of the program

Do not fall on the bait of strict protein diets – add slow carbohydrates to your daily diet: cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables, macarone products made of hard -wraps of wheat. The presence of carbohydrates in one or two meals will help to maintain the desired level of satiety and avoid an irresistible craving for sweet.

Drink water

In the cold season, it is difficult to force yourself to drink the daily fluid rate, which, by the way, can be calculated by the formula: women – body weight x 31 = ml of water;Men – body weight x 35 = ml of water. Therefore, drinks based on hot water, ginger (you can use dry) and lemon will be the best option for replenishing fluids in the body. Add a couple of anise and cardamom seeds – and enjoy!

Do not starve

The hunger of primitive people was the main reason for the stress


and release of the cortisol hormone, which gave the brain that the body should begin to save energy (calories) and lay fat until the next meal. The world around us has changed a lot, but the debugged system of the body is not. That is why the optimal intervals between meals are 2-3 hours or until the first signs of hunger.

Do not overeat

Frequent overeating leads to overstrain of the enzyme systems of the digestive system, as a result of which gastritis, ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired liver and kidneys may develop due to the need to remove a large number of protein decay products and other macronutrients.

To form beneficial food habits and lose weight or preserve the form of already ready-made FIT-range for 1200 kcal and 1,500 kcal from the PRIME cafe network-an expert in the field of natural and balanced nutrition. Each diet is divided into 5-6 meals and contains the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Strict accounting of calories allows you to create their deficiency for easy weight loss without hunger or maintain a form with a balanced number of calories and physical exertion.

The main advantages of Prime FIT rhears: natural composition, lack of preservatives and flavor enhancers, strict accounting of calories and bzhu, the presence of hot soup and fresh greens in each diet, a new menu every day, the optimal price for the day and the ability to pick up the diet after placing the order on the siteindependently in the nearest Prime cafe. You can order a FIT-rations on 1 day, 2 days, 5 days, 14 days or a whole month with significant savings. The first order is valid for a 10% discount on FitPrime promotional codes.

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